Sunnysidea film by Yoann Luis in development Plot In Sunnyside, human beings are just another kind of farmed meat. Joanna is a young farmer determined to keep her farm afloat. She'll do anything, even if it means sending her opponents to the slaughterhouse. About...
Sweet Dolly
Sweet Dollya film by Julie Rohartin development Plot Accompanied by his deaf mother, Carvin, a dreamy and creative teenager, embarks on a road trip across Canada to win a sculpture contest. The trip would go smoothly if Carvin didn't keep a secret from his mother: he...
Greetings From Hollywood
Greetings From Hollywoodan original series by Joris FleurotIn development - 10x13MIN Pitch Alan, a young failed actor, leaves to try his luck in Hollywood. His goal? To direct his own film, in the heart of the Mecca of Cinema. Not so easy, especially when you don't...
We Found A Dead Body
We Found A Dead Bodya film by Julie Rohartin development Pitch The forest of Aokigahara, in Japan, is famous for its high number of suicides (about a hundred each year). When Yasujiro, a taciturn and haggard guide, agrees to lead four American YouTubers into the heart...
100% Organic
100% Organica film by Yoann Luis2019 - 5MIN - 16/9 - stereo Synopsis A man wakes up imprisoned by a mysterious bloodthirsty butcher, determined to cut him into 100% organic steak. About Behind the hemoglobin lies a plea against factory farming, a subject dear to...
Un Petit Côté Drive
That Little Drive Thinga film by Yoann Luis2015 - 9MIN - 2.35:1 Plot A tormented father accompanies his son by car. The latter will take advantage of the trip to tell him some important news... About After the success of Behind The Bush, Yoann Luis is back behind the...
Behind the Bush
Behind the Busha film by Yoann Luis 2013 - 13MIN - 2.35:1 - stereo & 5.1 Plot In an isolated farmhouse, a couple with difficult relationships raise their nephew in a heavy and violent family atmosphere, where these three characters grow old in the taboo and the...