Sunnysidea film by Yoann Luis in development Plot In Sunnyside, human beings are just another kind of farmed meat. Joanna is a young farmer determined to keep her farm afloat. She'll do anything, even if it means sending her opponents to the slaughterhouse. About...
100% Organic
100% Organica film by Yoann Luis2019 - 5MIN - 16/9 - stereo Synopsis A man wakes up imprisoned by a mysterious bloodthirsty butcher, determined to cut him into 100% organic steak. About Behind the hemoglobin lies a plea against factory farming, a subject dear to...
Behind the Bush
Behind the Busha film by Yoann Luis 2013 - 13MIN - 2.35:1 - stereo & 5.1 Plot In an isolated farmhouse, a couple with difficult relationships raise their nephew in a heavy and violent family atmosphere, where these three characters grow old in the taboo and the...