Greetings From Hollywood

Greetings From Hollywood

Greetings From Hollywoodan original series by Joris FleurotIn development - 10x13MIN  Pitch Alan, a young failed actor, leaves to try his luck in Hollywood. His goal? To direct his own film, in the heart of the Mecca of Cinema. Not so easy, especially when you don't...



Faradora film by Edouard Tremblay In theaters on April 21st, 2023 Plot Friends get caught up in the fantasy world of the role-playing game they play... About Farador is a Belgian-Canadian feature film inspired by the famous role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons,...

Chou Blanc

Chou Blanc

Chou BlancComing In Shorta film by Robin Pogorzelski & Jacques Vanel2018 - 8MIN - 4.3:1 Plot Pascal, a young hunter, is about to begin a very special day: for the first time in his life, he is finally going to make a shot. About Coming In Short is the second opus...



L'OrganisteThe Organista film by Robin Pogorzelski & Jacques Vanel2016 - 7MIN - 4.3:1 Plot A music composer makes us discover his profession through his instrument, the organ, and his passion for the cinema. About The Organist is the first opus of the “Pierre...

Pour mieux vous servir, nous avons restructuré en 3 entités :
To provide you with better service, we splitted in 3 companies:

Notre agence de communication audiovisuelle pour les projets clients
Our audiovisual communication agency for client projects
Notre société de production de films et documentaires pour le cinéma et la TV
Our film and documentary production company for cinema and TV
Notre espace de coworking audiovisuel au coeur de Lyon
Our audiovisual coworking space in the heart of Lyon

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